Interview with Portrait Photographer Traci Delisser
We asked Traci Delisser a few questions about her life as TraciElaine Photography — a portrait photographer who focuses on capturing the essence of soulful entrepreneurs in customized Lifestyle Branding Imagery.
Traci Delisser, owner of TraciElaine Photography
Tell us about your business!
Traci: My business is TraciElaine Photography. I am portrait photographer focused on capturing the essence of soulful entrepreneurs. Through customized sessions, I create Soulful Headshots and Lifestyle Branding Imagery that reflect my client, Her Art, Her Interests, Her Values, Her Personality & Her Business.
What accomplishment are you celebrating right now?
Traci: I recently created a Guide to Soulful Branding Images for entrepreneurs to guide them in the process of creating images that feel more authentic, more soulful, more like them.
What keeps you motivated?
Traci: My favorite part of being a photographer is connecting one on one with like minded entrepreneurs on a deeper level, moving past the superficial. And I think this comes across in my photos.
Also my daughter motivates me. I want her to see me "live out loud" and know that she can life a life that feeds her soul.
@Traci.Elaine on Instagram
Traci Delisser, owner of TraciElaine Photography
What's one tip you want to share with other entrepreneurs?
Traci: There is room for you in this field, even though it may appear oversaturated. Just start, don't compare yourself to others, and stay true to you and your style.
What's your favorite app or resource of the moment?
Traci: My favorite app is Libby. It allows me to borrow and listen to audio books from the library. The waiting list may be long for popular titles, but I am focused on buying less books this year.
What are you listening to lately?
Traci: I have been listening more to audio books this year as they are perfect for long drives and multitasking. My favorite books I have “read” this year so far are Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult, An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.
What are you crushing on?
Traci: Rakia Reynolds of SkaiBlue Media (@SkaiBlueMedia)!! Her energy, drive and light inspires me to keep moving towards possibilities especially as a working mom.
What inspirational words resonate with you recently?
Traci: I have had the quote up by my work space for the past 10 years and it still resonates with me today as it did 10 years ago: “..have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves. Don’t search for the answers which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer” —Rainer Maria Rilke
Where can we find you online?
Traci: Subscribe to my email list for a monthly Sunday Soul Notes to get inspiration in the form of poetry, essays, beautiful soulful imagery and branding tips. You will also be the first to know of specials on sessions and events. You can also check out my website and you can find me on Instagram as @Traci.Elaine!
Traci Delisser, owner of TraciElaine Photography